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2024 - 05 - 15

Cyberattaque protection entreprises

Therefore, cybersecurity is no longer an option but a necessity. In this article, we will explore the various types of cyber attacks companies face and how proper preparation and protection can safeguard not only their data but also their reputation and sustainability.

Types of cyber attacks and associated risks

Cyber attacks can take many forms, from ransomware to denial of service (DDoS) attacks, phishing and other forms of malware. Each type of attack has potentially devastating consequences for a company.

For example, a ransomware attack can encrypt vital data, requiring payment for its decryption and thus crippling business operations. DDoS attacks, on the other hand, can make network resources inaccessible, affecting customer service and revenue.

The importance of cybersecurity for businesses

With the evolution of work practices, such as teleworking and remote teams, the attack surface for cybercriminals has expanded considerably. Remote access to sensitive data and resources requires enhanced security measures to protect businesses from data breaches and leaks.

Cybersecurity Solutions at UNIVIRTUAL CYBERSECURITY

At UNIVIRTUAL CYBERSECURITY, we understand the crucial importance of data security and privacy for businesses. That’s why we offer advanced cybersecurity solutions specifically designed to protect your infrastructure, network and teams. Some of our offerings include:

Perimeter security with managed dedicated firewall

In addition to the standard firewall included in all our cloud solutions, we offer customizable perimeter firewalls for your private cloud or bare metal cloud infrastructure, managed by our experts or by your teams.

Network security with managed internal dedicated networks

Our solutions include global rules and micro-segmentation architecture for fine-grained management of your VLANs and internal communications.

User security with managed dedicated domain controller

Whether under our management or yours, our domain controller ensures effective management of user security.


With more than 25 years of experience, UNIVIRTUAL is the European leader in high performance cloud solutions and cybersecurity. Our solution, Black Sentinel, includes next-generation firewalls and NGAV antivirus with EDR, providing comprehensive protection against current and future cyber threats. To learn more about our services and how we can help secure your infrastructure, visit our network security and cybersecurity page.

Don’t wait for a cyber attack to compromise your business. Contact UNIVIRTUAL CYBERSECURITY today for a security assessment and find out how we can help you secure your infrastructure against digital threats.

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Je suis Daniel, rédacteur web et consultant pigiste, cumulant plus de 10 ans d'expérience dans l'accompagnement des entreprises pour la concrétisation de leurs projets éditoriaux. L'Univirtual représente l'avenir, et dans cette perspective, je m'applique à créer un contenu élaboré et documenté. Mon objectif est de vous guider de manière informée tout au long de ce voyage digital, en mettant à profit mon expertise pour fournir des informations pertinentes et approfondies. Mon engagement envers la qualité et la précision se reflète dans chaque projet éditorial que je mets en œuvre.