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2024 - 06 - 17

machine virtuelle

For business leaders and information systems (IS) directors, understanding the benefits of virtual machines is essential to optimize the performance of their employees. In this article, we will develop the concept of “virtual machines” and present to you the different advantages of using them to improve your IT infrastructure.

What is a virtual machine or Virtual Machine (VM)?

The term “virtual machine” (or Virtual Machine) describes all work computer virtualization solutions. Thus, a virtual machine can also refer to a virtual workstation or a virtual desktop.

A virtual desktop is a completely dematerialized work environment, similar to a physical work computer. It runs on its own resources, such as CPU, memory, network interfaces and storage space. In contrast, a virtual office is a dematerialized working environment, where resources such as processor, memory, network interfaces and storage space are shared among a group of company users.

What are the advantages of virtual machines?

Power and performance

One of the main strengths of virtual machines is their ability to deliver powerful virtual desktops. Users can benefit from the high computing power and computing resources of virtual machines, improving their productivity and performance. Additionally, these virtual desktops are flexible, meaning it is easy to allocate and adjust resources based on each user's specific needs.

Scalability and consolidation

Virtual machines also enable more efficient scalability and consolidation of IT infrastructure. By using virtual machines, it is easier to increase or decrease the resources assigned to each virtual machine as needed. This allows for more efficient use of material resources, thereby avoiding waste and reducing operating costs. Additionally, virtual machines facilitate the consolidation of physical servers, thereby reducing the size and complexity of the infrastructure.

Safety and risks of contamination

Data security and privacy are major concerns for any business. By using virtual machines, you can reduce the risk of contamination and interference between different applications. Indeed, each virtual machine operates independently, which reinforces data isolation and minimizes security risks. In addition, thanks to regular automatic backups, it is possible to quickly restore virtual machines when necessary, thus ensuring business continuity.

Mobility and flexibility

Desktop virtualization allows employees to work from any device and from anywhere in the world. Virtual machines can be accessed via secure remote connections, providing great flexibility for employees and enabling remote working. This can be particularly beneficial for businesses with teams distributed across geographic locations or for mobile workers who need to access their applications and data from different locations.

Simplified and efficient management

Virtual machines simplify IT infrastructure management. System administrators can centralize management of virtual machines, making deployment, updates, and maintenance tasks easier. For example, instead of having to install software on each physical workstation, you only have to do it once in the virtual machine, saving time and reducing errors.

Cost reduction

Virtual machines help limit the acquisition of additional physical resources, such as hard drives, which helps reduce the demand for power, space and cooling systems within the data center.

In conclusion, the use of virtual machines offers many advantages in terms of efficiency and flexibility for IT environments. These benefits include improved power and performance, more efficient scalability and consolidation, enhanced security, increased mobility and flexibility, and simplified management. Virtual machines have become an essential solution for companies seeking to optimize their IT infrastructures and improve the productivity of their employees.

Contact our specialist advisory teams to find out how virtual machines can optimize the efficiency of your IT environment.

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Emilie SOLÈR

Je suis Emilie, rédactrice web SEO freelance depuis 2015, spécialisée dans la création de contenus qui propulsent les marques sur le devant de la scène numérique. Mon parcours m’a mené des agences de communication aux plus grands défis du digital, où j’ai affiné une expertise unique en stratégie de contenu. Aujourd'hui chez UNIVIRTUAL, je transforme chaque mot en un levier puissant pour renforcer l'impact et la visibilité de l'entreprise.